Un-Paused from COVID

     COVID paused many organizations, including MKPOA.  On March 19, 2023 we celebrated the first annual membership meeting since 2019.  Turnout was energizing.   Over 50 Marquez Knolls residents attended and 16 new Board Members were elected.  

     When COVID prevented in-person elections in May of 2020, the then duly elected Board Members agreed to remain in place as acting Board Members until new elections could be held.  Little did we know what the future would bring.  

     We extend our sincere appreciation to those dedicated members who served diligently for the last four years and steered the organization through the turmoil of the new normal: mandatory distancing, isolation, masks, and the search for scarce everyday essentials.  They maintained the necessary (if minimal) administrative details to keep the organization viable.  Our sincere appreciation goes to:

     Haldis Toppel, President  -  Gene Cameron, VP/Secretary   -  Jackie Lee, Treasurer - 
Louise Martin, Membership  -  Lou Del Pozzo, Realtor Relations  -  Marie McKenna, Communications  -  Cathi Ruddy, CC&R Advisor  -  George Rosenberg, CC&R Advisor  -  
Richard Miller, Legal Advisor, (decd.)

Greetings from your new 2023/24 MKPOA Board

Howard Robinson, President
Robert Gold, Vice President
Mark Galanty, Secretary
Robert Trinkkeller, Treasurer
Dikran Dalian, Michael Edlen,
Daniel Ehrensaft, Michelle Oliver, Marie McKenna, 
Marc McTizic, Ali Rassekhi, Mark Rhomberg