Sadly, many of our homes have burned, some totally, some partially, and miraculously, some are left standing.  We are all in the same boat, exciled into all parts of the City and even the country.

A process has begun for totally destroyed home to clear the property of debris.  Currently, Pase 1 is underway, removing hazardours material, such as gas or propane canisters, or battery powerd burned cars.  Phase 2 will be handled optionally by the LA County Corps of Engeers.  It will, free of charge, clear the burnsite of all debris and optionally remove the building pad.  To allow the County access to your property, you will need to submit a Right of Entry form.  Please clich on the link below to register.

Registration for the ROE will begin Tuesday (January 28) on the County recovery website -- County Recovery. 

The clearing of properties will be scheduled after all ROE's have been received by the deadline.  Scheduduling will be in clusters.  It was mentioned that bigger clusters will be given priority for efficiency reasons.  So please take leadership and help your neighborhood organize the registration process.  

For further information click here for Debris Removal Information

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